I congratulate, your opinion is useful
I apologise, I can help nothing, but it is assured, that to you will help to find the correct decision. Do not despair.
Bravo, seems to me, is an excellent phrase
I think, that you commit an error. Write to me in PM, we will communicate.
It is a pity, that now I can not express - I am late for a meeting. I will be released - I will necessarily express the opinion.
Your message, simply charm
And, what here ridiculous?
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I congratulate, your opinion is useful
I apologise, I can help nothing, but it is assured, that to you will help to find the correct decision. Do not despair.
Bravo, seems to me, is an excellent phrase
I think, that you commit an error. Write to me in PM, we will communicate.
It is a pity, that now I can not express - I am late for a meeting. I will be released - I will necessarily express the opinion.
Your message, simply charm
And, what here ridiculous?