You're familiar with the fortune cookie game, right? The one where you say "in bed" after you read your fortune? Well I once cracked open a cookie to find this: "You need to dedicate more time to others. Needless to say, I was offended. Who did this cookie think it was? And what did it know about my bedroom performance?

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New study reveals how many women *actually* orgasm during sex in straight partnerships

Why some make so much noise during sex - CNN
Good sexual health is about a whole lot more than practicing safe sex or being able to get hard. Sexual health is about how you see yourself as a sexual being, your ability to embrace and enjoy your sexuality, and your sense of truly owning your sexual actions and choices. Being sexually healthy delivers big-time pleasure. And satisfying, healthy sex is also vital to your overall health and well-being.

The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm
This story was originally published on CNN. CNN All you have to do is watch nearly any depiction of female orgasm on screen to get an idea of how a woman is "supposed" to react during sex. Photos: Hollywood's steamiest sex scenes. It isn't the first movie with risque scenes that had moviegoers titillated. Hide Caption.

We're going to talk now about a new movie that involves some pretty adult content. Inside that hotel room are two people. They are Nancy Stokes, recently widowed after a marriage that lasted three decades and during which she experienced not one orgasm, and Leo Grande, the young sex worker who she has hired to teach her what she's been missing.

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