Submarines sometimes stay underwater, in very cramped quarters, for months at a time. This got me wondering: When do sailors on submarines masturbate? Y'all have an intern? Those of us who recall the Clinton era, Richard, try not to give any instructions to interns involving the word "masturbate.
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This company has given its employees 30 minutes a day to masturbate
When Do Sailors on Submarines Masturbate?
Here we look at some dirty ways to make money online. From selling nude pics, to becoming a webcam model, to selling used panties! There are many different methods to profiting from the sex industry. The web is full of weird and unusual marketplaces where sexual services are traded and fetish products are sold. The rise of platforms like OnlyFans, Cameo and SnapChat has led to amateur adult content creators earning thousands from building their own followings. You can, too.
When Do Sailors on Submarines Masturbate?
Would you wank in your workplace? The indie adult filmmaker has launched a new initiative for Masturbation Month that sees her giving her 36 members of staff a 30 minute break every day in which to masturbate during work hours. The campaign, which started at the beginning of this month and will last all year, aims to help de-stigmatise masturbation in everyday life. Lust is also calling on other business owners to join her in offering regulated self-pleasure breaks for their employees.
A heads up that this article is about masturbation, so if that's not something you want to read about right now, maybe check out some of our other sex and relationships stories. If that seems like a forward question, you might have missed our article about "the masturbation gap" and it's probably a good place to start. What it will tell you is that the stats are clear. There's plenty of jacking off and not enough jilling off. When it comes to sexual self-pleasure, women are missing out compared to men.
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