Home PregnancyHub Being pregnant Your antenatal care Ultrasound scans You will be offered at least two ultrasound scans during your pregnancy. If there are any issues and your baby needs more checks you might have more scans. Like all the other tests and procedures , you can choose whether or not to have the scans on offer. The first routine scan is offered at around weeks 11 to 14 of your pregnancy.
What happens at your 12-week scan?
What happens at your week scan? | Pregnancy | Mother & Baby
All women will be offered a dating scan, and an 20 week mid-pregnancy or fetal anomaly ultrasound scan. The main purpose of a dating scan is to check the stage of pregnancy and therefore when the baby is due. Measuring the baby can be more accurate than dating by the last menstrual period. It is also an opportunity to check the baby is alive and developing as expected, and check for twins. This scan may also be part of your screening test for Down's syndrome nuchal translucency scan. Occasionally, if the baby is in an awkward position, an internal scan may be carried out, using a vaginal probe.
What your baby scans will tell you
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For all Obstetrics scans, no special preparation is needed, although it is best to wear loose clothing that can easily be lifted or removed in order to expose your abdomen. You will lie on your back on an examination couch and the transducer moved back and forth across your stomach in order to gain the best possible image of the fetus. Ultrasound imaging in pregnancy is widely used to evaluate the baby.
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30.07.2022 2:01:06 Sorel:
What you say
30.07.2022 3:53:39 Vortigem:
Wonderful, that is a very valuable opinion
03.08.2022 19:38:50 Shan:
He refrains from commenting.