Many different men shave their legs for many different reasons, whether they simply like the look and feel of super-smooth lower limbs or whether they have practical reasons to de-fuzz. You might as well add your legs into your manscaping shaving routine. Those ripped Love Islanders are often cited as trendsetters and shaving is part of the ritual for some Love Island men in their quest to look toned and tanned to perfection. Their shaved legs also complement the current trend for ripped jeans. But this style has actually been around for longer — male models have been hairless on the catwalk for decades.

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This Is What Happens When You Stop Shaving Your Legs

The Benefits of Shaving Body Hair For Men – BAKBLADE
For those of us who grew up idolizing the pro racers, their lean, chiseled legs became etched indelibly into memory. Those legs were symbolic of fitness, suffering , sacrifice, freedom, panache, and victory. Join Bicycling now for the latest advice and tips! But first, why is this clean-shaven tradition even a thing? Spandex seems like enough of a faux pas, why throw men with shaved legs into the mix? No one knows which cyclist first shaved his legs or why. In his blog , the frame builder and amateur cycling historian Dave Moulton writes that racers have done so for at least years and surmises that the practice likely predates the adoption of the custom by Western women which is commonly believed to have begun in the early s, with the popularization of short hemlines and more-revealing swimsuits.

Shaving your legs won’t make your hair thicker: 10 beauty myths busted
Which made us wonder: Is this a trend? Are guys everywhere starting to do this now? Obviously bikers and swimmers do it for very specific reasons: wound-healing and aerodynamics, respectively. But we wanted quantifiable results on whether average guys might be cleaning up down there. So we surveyed our Facebook followers, asking them if they shaved their legs.

My mother gave birth to me in January of , the year of the goat — goatee, in my case. She said I was the hairiest thing she had ever seen. A whopping 23 inches, nine pounds and enough ounces to rid her of any desire to have another fur ball come out of her body. Through the years, my head of thick hair was met with tension and much reservation.

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