Mayor James R. Michael Steele Trustee Carmella Catanese. Anna L. Fales, Village Clerk Alan P. Fuller, Dpw Superintendent.
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Jamestown Area Midget Football League To Hold Elections Next Week
Football / Community Service
Stir in a generous heaping of fun. Third Street outside Northwest Arena will be closed between noon and 4pm while some 30 vendors set up booths. Health care providers and social services agencies have been invited, along with organizations planning summer activities for children. Hello Summer continues Friday evening as it moves to Russell E. Diethrick, Jr. Park for a baseball game with Tarp Skunks, the college wooden bat league, taking on Batavia at 7pm.
A Joyful Ride
The Lind Family and associates wish to express our deep gratitude for the confidence, friendship and trust you have placed in us. We are honored to be of service to you and pledge to continue to serve to the best of our ability, with professional care and genuine concern each time we are called. Sign in. Steven A. Carter -
You are precious in my sight, and I love you. Carmella E. Parlavecchio answered her call on Tuesday, May 12th, following surgery at Strong Memorial Hospital.
5 comment
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26.07.2022 21:04:43 Escanor:
I think it is a serious mistake.
27.07.2022 18:14:59 Sall:
ha ... funny enough
29.07.2022 5:38:06 Runihura:
Excuse me for butting in.... I understand this question. I invite discussion.
29.07.2022 13:58:57 Fitzpatrick:
All of this is about the cause.
31.07.2022 10:19:28 Devries:
There is something to it. Thanks for the explanation, now I will not make such a mistake again.