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Top Japan finance official denies sexual harassment, says to sue publisher
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Published in February , the book Masukomi : Sekuhara hakusho Sexual Harassment in the Japanese Media: A White Paper details the stories of women working at newspapers and in broadcast media and publishing. Compiled by Women in Media Network Japan WiMN , the work consists of a series of interviews in which the women discuss their personal experiences of sexual harassment along with other struggles and injustices they have faced over the course of their careers. The book offers an unprecedented opportunity to hear active professionals in the media address the subject of sexual harassment not as journalists covering a story but as individuals affected by the menace in their own lives. The women in the book are from different generations and work in a variety of media fields. However, each speaks of the overwhelming prevalence of sexual harassment, not only within their companies but also while out conducting interviews and other professional assignments.
Japan Reporter Sex
A hostess club is a type of night club found primarily in Japan. They employ primarily female staff and cater to men seeking drinks and attentive conversation. The modern host club is a similar type of establishment where primarily male staff attend to women. They light cigarettes, provide beverages for men, offer flirtatious conversation, and sing karaoke to entertain customers.
Please view the main text area of the page by skipping the main menu. The page may not be displayed properly if the JavaScript is deactivated on your browser. TOKYO Kyodo -- Japan's House of Representatives Speaker Hiroyuki Hosoda on Friday filed a damages suit against the publisher of a popular weekly magazine that recently ran reports about his alleged sexual harassment of female reporters, according to his lawyer. Calling the reports of the Shukan Bunshun magazine groundless and defamatory, the year-old ruling Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker demanded that Bungeishunju Ltd. The magazine's editorial department said it is "regrettable" that Hosoda, who serves as "top of the highest organ of the state power, has not given any explanation over the reports to the public but filed a lawsuit.
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