March 10, - 10 min read. We are sure that by now most of you are already familiar with the In-Page Push ad format. For those of you that are new to the world of online advertising and the benefits of Push Notifications, no worries, we will guide you through it. In-Page Push had gained importance in early as an answer to growing restrictions toward classic push notifications. In general, it is a user-friendly and highly-engaging ad format for advertisers that wants to reach their audiences on any device.
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In my setting up a PPV Campaign post , I gave a tutorial on how you can increase your profits and volume by running your own PPV pay per view ad campaigns. In the tutorial I used Adoori as the PPV network, but there are also many other pay per view sources out there for you to choose from. However, not all PPV ad networks are created the same way, nor do they have the same traffic. Some networks will have low quality traffic, while other will continually stand out and convert better than others. In the end, you need to make sure you have exposure across several PPV networks so you can split test and see what traffic works best for your ad campaigns. Below is a listing of well known and used PPV ad networks in the affiliate space, along with some notes on each. Feel free to leave your feedback and experience in the comments section.
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This is probably one of personal favorites. The demand for these payday loans is never ending. Marketing these through PPV is a skill that not many master. I have witnessed hundreds upon hundreds of people attempting to pop all kinds of payday loan offers on trafficvance and leadimpact and mediatraffic and not many of them have masses of success. I have included this list within the landing page.
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