But after a year that saw the video-game industry under fire from a number of directions, the Entertainment Software Association -- the group that holds E3 -- has announced that it will be more strictly enforcing the rules on what spokeswomen can wear to the trade show. As attendees head to this year's show, many are asking whether they'll be walking into the same loud, brash and provocative environment they're used to or into a more puritanical expo with a kinder, gentler disposition? Walking into the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo is like leaving Earth and landing on a planet where geeks rule. Video games are played by beautiful girls who want to hang out with a gamer who really knows how to handle a joystick. The expo is the largest video- and computer-trade show in the country.
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More than 50 individuals have been attacked by a group of roaming macaque monkeys in and around the southern Japanese city of Yamaguchi in the past three weeks. No serious injuries have been reported, but the victims were all advised to get hospital treatment, per Yuri Kageyama from the Associated Press. The monkeys have mostly targeted children and women, though officials say attacks on men and the elderly have become more frequent.
Welcome to SlashClips , a series where we bring you exclusive clips from hot new Digital, Blu-ray and theatrical releases you won't see anywhere else! Chambers, and Trevor Gretzky. The film arrives in theaters and on demand January 7,
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02.06.2022 8:52:02 Johfrit:
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