On the morning of February 2, , more than 3, political leaders, military chiefs and corporate moguls met for eggs, sausage, muffins — and prayer. The Washington, D. Convened on the first Thursday in February, the gathering, known as the Presidential Prayer Breakfast until , has always included the American head of state. Most avoid the former while trying to benefit from the latter. President Dwight Eisenhower began the tradition with the first breakfast in
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My Prayer for North Carolina
Billy Graham Quotes - 15 Best Quotes from Pastor Billy Graham
Our Father and Our God, We praise You for Your goodness to our nation, giving us blessings far beyond what we deserve. Yet we know all is not right with America. We deeply need a moral and spiritual renewal to help us meet the many problems we face. Convict us of sin. Help us to turn to You in repentance and faith.
Graham prayer rally draws thousands
Heavenly Father, we pause to worship You and give thanks for the mighty works of Your hands. We praise You for blessing our state and this country with a spiritual heritage that anchored a new nation made up of a people determined to seek and obey Your truth. Receive our thanks, Lord, as we remember those who came before us, from the first American Indian exploring an uncharted wilderness to the pilgrims who came to this land seeking freedom to worship the God of Heaven and Earth, and the founding fathers who built a new life upon Your loving commandments and the Holy Scriptures. Thank You, Lord, for the gathering of families who came to live on the good land that we call North Carolina. You have graced us with the magnificence of Your handiwork, seen in the strength of the mighty ocean that brushes the Outer Banks and sandy shores, the loveliness of the Appalachian Mountains that pierce the clouds of Heaven, and the peaceful scenery of the rolling plains of the Piedmont.
Billy Graham often was called upon to soothe the nation in stressful times. But his words of wisdom resounded no matter what the situation. Here's a collection of notable quotes during his life :.
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24.04.2022 0:10:03 Zachariah:
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30.04.2022 11:11:40 Yogor:
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