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The Sperm Donation Is Free, but There’s a Catch

Download Catch the Sperm (Windows) - My Abandonware
On the other hand, there are also some utilities, like Catch the Sperm II, that teach them to lead a healthier life, even if it puts everything in a amusing tone. More exactly, this tiny game strives to teach its players how important it is to rely on condoms and avoid getting STDs. The installation process goes smoothly and you get to access its user-friendly main window within seconds. You can also start enjoying the game with a single click - it needs to be mentioned that, by default, Catch the Sperm II runs in full-screen, but you can access the Options window and switch to window mode. The same window can come in handy when you want to adjust the level of the music and the sound FX, which can come in handy if you like the graphics but you are not a big fan of its sounds.

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Released in on Windows, it's still available and playable with some tinkering. ArayaScreams 4 points. This game was subsidized by the Swiss government as an attempt to educate people on the use of condoms, and encourage young people to use them when they're having sex, in order to reduce HIV infections.

On the other hand, there are also some utilities, like Catch the Sperm II , that teach them to lead a healthier life, even if it puts everything in a amusing tone. More exactly, this tiny game strives to teach its players how important it is to rely on condoms and avoid getting STDs. The installation process goes smoothly and you get to access its user-friendly main window within seconds.

4 comment
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03.05.2022 2:49:16 Nemesio:
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05.05.2022 13:56:21 Mylo:
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