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Don't refer to me as a "tranny. The term "tranny" makes me feel like a thing rather than a person. Porn companies are giving their audience a fantasy. Unfortunately, these fantasies are all too often produced and directed by cis men. Simply put: Don't let what you see in porn dictate how you communicate with a trans woman. Many guys tend to ask questions, which is good in some circumstances. For example, once we've gotten to know each other, asking me if I'm non-op transgender individuals who have not had any surgery , pre-op transgender individuals who have not had genital surgery, but may have had breast augmentations or post-op transgender individuals who have had breast augmentation and genital surgery is fine, since it's a personal question about me.
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27.07.2022 14:50:57 Kagajinn:
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02.08.2022 12:39:17 Farnell:
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