Sometimes the mere fact of not being a normie can be a turn-on. Make use of your bedroom pillows. Using pillows to lift and support core muscles makes a more comfortable experience. When on your back, put them under the waist and butt.

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Do lesbians have better sex than straight women?

Do lesbians have better sex than straight women? | Sex | The Guardian
Skip navigation! Story from Sex. Sophie Saint Thomas. It should go without saying that sex between two women is a beautiful thing.

The Most Satisfying Sex Positions for Lesbians
Lesbian bed death is the concept that lesbian couples in committed relationships have less sex than any other type of couple the longer the relationship lasts, and generally experience less sexual intimacy as a consequence. The concept is based on research by social psychologist Philip Blumstein and sociologist Pepper Schwartz , published in American Couples: Money, Work, Sex , which found that lesbian couples reported lower numbers when asked "About how often during the last year have you and your partner had sex relations? Analyses of the concept have therefore regarded it as a popular myth. Pepper Schwartz is credited with coining the term lesbian bed death.

Know important health issues for lesbians and women who have sex with women — from sexually transmitted infections to depression — and get tips for taking charge of your health. All women face certain health risks. However, sexual minority women, such as those who identify as lesbian or bisexual as well as women who have sex with women, have some specific health concerns. Although your individual risks are shaped by many factors beyond your sexual orientation and practices — including family history and age — it's important to understand common health issues for sexual minority women and steps you can take to stay healthy. Sexual minority women are at higher risk of depression and anxiety.

6 comment
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16.07.2022 17:25:40 Mazukinos:
the authoritarian response, oddly enough ...
17.07.2022 11:10:05 Johanne:
The agony of choice
18.07.2022 14:50:31 Leopoldo:
I must disagree with you
19.07.2022 0:53:38 Tosho:
Sounds pretty tempting
19.07.2022 10:57:28 Athemar:
You are wrong. I propose to discuss it. Write to me in PM, it speaks to you.
22.07.2022 21:27:54 Beadurinc:
yes, you can get lost))) !!!!