The Situation: Your friend loves sex—but she's not exactly tied down to one guy, and even when she is, one fact remains constant: She loves giving oral, and she always swallows. No shame in that, you think—to each her own. But what about all that man juice? The Reality: Semen is made up of the same harmless nutrients, minerals, and sugars that you probably eat every day—stuff like vitamin C, potassium, calcium, and fructose. Sperm cells actually account for a very small portion of semen. Still, it can't replace your peanut butter protein shake: A man only produces about a teaspoon of semen per orgasm, and that's not nearly enough to provide any health benefits—even if you're getting it daily.
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Why Are We So Obsessed With Swallowing Cum?
If You Swallow the Semen of an HIV-Positive Person Can You Be Infected?
Ah milk. The Dairy Council spends billions of dollars each year promoting the benefits of this cold, white drink. But have you ever wondered about the benefits of man milk? Yes, you read that correctly, man milk, aka semen. As crazy as it sounds, semen has a multitude of benefits stemming from the minerals and nutrients it contains, and those seminal benefits can be passed directly on to you. Semen contains quite a few components that have been studied to show anti-depressant qualities.
If You Swallow the Semen of an HIV-Positive Person Can You Be Infected?
The process of passing through the throat, then the esophagus , of different forms of nutriments and not only. From a non-sexual perspective, we swallow on daily basis food, drinks and our own saliva. When in need we also swallow pills or other forms of medicine.
Semen also known as come, or cum is the fluid that is usually produced when someone with a penis experiences orgasm. For people who have oral sex with penis-owners, there is often a question of whether to spit or to swallow. Both spitting out and swallowing cum are okay. Good communication is important in and out of the bedroom, especially when it comes to experimenting with new sexual activities.
2 comment
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31.07.2022 3:17:48 Lateef:
There is something to that. Thanks for the information. I did not know.
03.08.2022 21:15:46 Diamont:
says the smart things)